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  • Writer's pictureAmy Bailey

Rough couple days

Today Lucy was not feeling well. I thought mastitis and we got her into the vet. She was very lethargic, wouldn't eat, wag her tail or hold her head up. The vet confirmed mastitis and gave her the much needed medicine. Nothing that will harm the nursing babies, of course. She is now eating and tail wagging! So glad I caught it so early and she is still able to nurse her babies.

Yesterday I hurt myself with a box knife. It slipped what I was cutting and tried to slice part of my finger off. I ended up with stitches and in terrible pain. I'm thankful my girls are here to help with EVERYTHING. Macy helped get Lucy in the car for the vet since she couldn't hop in there herself. Holly woke up super early to take care of everyone and weighed all the babies for me. They all look great.

Interested in a puppy? Check out our website for more information.

Macy made a little tik tok of the puppies too!

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