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  • Writer's pictureAmy Bailey

It's been a while!

It's been a while since I've posted anything. Things have been a little hectic around here. We are learning the best way to keep everyone happy when separated during heat cycles. Lucy and Zoey went into heat earlier than expected so we couldn't have any babies. Lucy would have been due while we were gone on vacation. (and Zoey is past breeding age). Ellie went into heat the day before we left and Honey about a week later. The boys have lost their minds, but it's coming to end soon! Whew! We have plenty of big areas for them to stay in while separated. Lucy should go back in heat in September and hopefully her and Rudy will have puppies born in November or December.

Today we gave baths. It was a nice day for it and a lot less mess outside! The three goldens (Lucy, Honey & Rudy) were all very good and didn't mind the water at all. Ellie acted very sad, like she hated life, but let us bathe her. Kenobi - well he hated it! He is such a big boy I was grateful to have help with him! Zoey has been a little extra lately so we left her alone. She doesn't get as dirty as the rest of them anyways.

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