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  • Writer's pictureAmy Bailey

Beautiful day!

The pups are all enjoying this beautiful day! We had two girls in heat and it's finally time to let everyone back together. Unfortunately, we did not get to breed Lucy. I was hoping her heat would wait a little longer. We will be on vacation and cannot have puppies due when I'm gone. I have a couple trustworthy people (my daughter and her boyfriend) taking care of everyone, but puppies would be too much! I need to be here for that. So we will try for her Sept/Oct heat. The boys did great being separated from everyone, but they are very happy to be with the girls again.

The grass is turning green finally!! The little black "cages" are over holes they have started. It keeps them from making bigger holes, although they just find a new spot to dig! lol

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Ryleigh Wood
Ryleigh Wood
Apr 08, 2023

😘 om goodness

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